Tag: Paul Spooner

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The Science of Conversation

We’re delving into the archives to take a closer look at some of Paul Spooner’s automata. This piece is from 2010. “Although it’s tempting to think of ways in which…

The Only Non-slip Dodo Mat in the World

Paul Spooner reviews a refreshingly new exhibition in Falmouth, Cornwall. The result of collaborations with singers, dancers, actors and other creative types, this show is designed to help answer the…
A Goat in the Park

A Goat in the Park

Kimberley Park in Falmouth, Cornwall, now has three amazing outdoor automata by makers Paul Spooner, Keith Newstead and Rob Higgs – all who live locally. Paul Spooner gives us more…

A Big Donor – Part III by Paul Spooner

And there’s a box to contain the works. It’s rough old wood from inside a wardrobe – looks OK until it gets a coat of gloss paint, then the roughness…
The Big Donor

A Big Donor by Paul Spooner

I’m making a double-size version of my very popular piece The Donor for Marvin’s Marvellous Mechanical Museum and I thought I’d show the process of making it in excruciating detail.
Renewable by Paul Spooner

Renewable by Paul Spooner

This piece emerged naturally from one called “A Green Hill Far Away”, in which a single wind turbine occupies a wooden hillock. I realise I’m messing with deeply-held views in…
Paul Spooner Tinkering

Paul Spooner at the Exploratorium

Paul Spooner has been visiting the Tinkering Studio at the The Exploratorium, San Francisco this month. He took part in the OPEN:Make event on 21st April, and you can see…
Jokebot by Paul Spooner


This Jokebot automaton is a special commission made by Paul Spooner last year as a surprise 40th Birthday present for a collector. The head of the robot is styled on…
Our mission is to promote engineering and creativity through workshops, exhibitions and automata kits.

As a Community Interest Company all profits go toward this valuable work.

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre Learning CIC
Company Number: 14598590
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