Book a place, (a snip at £5) at Paul Spooner’s forthcoming talk at Trelowarren, Cornwall (12th Sep 2006). You will be thoroughly entertained as Paul discusses his pieces in the…
‘Smile’ is the title of the current exhibition from the Cornwall Crafts Association at Trelowarren until 17th September 2006. The exhibition includes Paul Spooner’s ‘The Dormitory’ (Private Collection) a new…
If you fancy an evening stroll down to the National Theatre on Sat 19th August (around 10pm in the Watch This Space area outside the NT) you will be able…
Over 30 pieces of automata, including the Fugu Eater (pictured) will be on show at the Rias Ark Museum of Art in Japan until the end of August. The pieces…
Featured in the current (July/August 2006) edition of ‘Modern Painters’ magazine, novelist Geoff Nicholson catches up with Paul Spooner and finds him creating blasphemous automata and throwing his mistakes into…