Kinetica have a new exhibition featuring 10 UK and International artists who are experimenting with evolution, hybridisation and the infiltration of technology. The artworks vivify inanimate materials with energatic vitality and are a comment on the relationship between our technologically enhanced society and the natural world. UK artists include Tim Lewis, Tom Wilkinson and Jim Bond.
Creatures Great and Small – which opens at the ROVE Gallery, 33 – 34 Hoxton
Square London N1 6NN until 19th October 2008.
If you are in the area, it may also be worth looking at the work of young kinetic artist Clara Clark (Mark Tanner Sculpture Award winner 2007/8) in her exhibition ‘Re-Creation’ at the Standpoint Gallery which is in Coronet Street, around the corner from Hoxton Square until 18th October. One exhibit ‘Mechanical Sea’ with it’s layers of fabric, and partially concealed wooden mechanics show Clark’s continuing exploration of recreating the appearance of water.