Night 28 – The Invention of Hugo Cabret signed editions

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There is a year to go until the official launch of the latest Martin Scorsese movie, ‘The Invention of Hugo Cabret’ (edit: renamed as just Hugo). This is the first time that Scorsese has produced a film for children, and also his first 3D film.

Here’s a link to a Guardian interview with Mr Scorsese.

We are very excited that automata is going to feature in the movie and our friend Michael Start from The House of Automata is the ‘Automata and Horological Adviser’ for the movie. Michael has been working flat out on the film for the last year, and straining every muscle for the best effects. As Michael says ‘This is the biggest thing for automata since CMT opened in Covent Garden’.

The author of the book, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Brian Selznick was in London last month to visit the film set (and appear himself in the film), Brian says that the automata in the film is stunning, so we really can’t wait. Brian kindly signed two copies of the book which we have to give away free when you make an order over £30 from our store. Just add it to your cart and shop away.


You can learn more about the book and the background here.

The award winning book is beautifully illustrated by Brian, it is 525 pages, with nearly 300 pages of drawings.

Orphan, clock keeper, and thief, Hugo lives in the walls of a busy Paris train station, where his survival depends on secrets and anonymity. But when his world suddenly interlocks with an eccentric, bookish girl and a bitter old man who runs a toy booth in the station, Hugo’s undercover life, and his most precious secret, are put in jeopardy. A cryptic drawing, a treasured notebook, a stolen key, a mechanical man, and a hidden message from Hugo’s dead father form the backbone of this intricate, tender, and spellbinding mystery.

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