I was recently at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. The Amazing Machines Gallery has some of the best examples of basic mechanics that I have seen. You can experiment with pulleys, lever, gears and cams, and there are also plenty of exploded views of the workings of everyday machines including a giant can crusher.
Kinetic sculptor and architect Ben Trautman has made three machines for the gallery. This large machine has a beautiful almost organic, fluid movement, reminiscent of birds wings. Ben also makes the most fascinating folding sculptures of buildings and birds.
A highlight of our visit was a live demonstration of the recently restored Maillardet’s Automaton from 1810. The detailed drawings and poems were exquisite.
If you are visiting the Franklin also make sure to take a look at four of Carlos Zapata’s automata on the theme of electricity in the home in the ‘Franklin: He’s Electric’ Gallery, which is close by.
Kristin says:
Thank you for the kind words about the Amazing Machine exhibit. You should know that we were inspired by Cabaret Mechanical and referneced your book, Cabaret Mechanical Movement, while we were developing the exhibit. And getting Maillardet’s Automaton running again was a highlight for us too!
Exhibit Developer
The Franklin Institute
Linda Ehrenhard says:
I read the book, Hugo Cabret, to my students, and then we visited the website to see the automatons in motion. They would like to know if the second automaton was drawing a ship?
Davis County Elementary
Bloomfield, IA