Day 9 – The Harlequin

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The Magic of Cabaret - Day 9The master of contemporary Magic automata, Pierre Mayer has produced a new design for 2009, The Harlequin.

The piece is based on a trick which the magician Robert Houdin made popular in his theatre.
In this version, you see a closed trunk, you turn the handle the Harlequin pops out to sit at the edge, if you continue to turn the handle he disappears inside the trunk that closes.

BUT you can pause when he is seated and two levers in the back (that you actlvate your index finger) makes him move his head in a very clear way, sideways for no or downward for yes. This gives the opportunity for the spectators to ask questions to the Harlequin who will be delighted to answer.

The Harlequin
We have one available for delivery before 30th November, after that it will be later in December or January 2010 (we will advise).

The HarlequinThe HarlequinThe Harlequin

We first met Pierre Mayer during our Christmas Exhibition at the OXO gallery in London in 2004. Pierre had been inspired by visiting Cabaret Mechanical Theatre in Covent Garden many years ago, and then used his skills as a magician to develop a series of magic automata. The Harlequin is the seventh piece in the series. The tricks are often based on real magicians and their stage show magic, including the classic Orange Tree shown here with Pierre in his workshop.

Pierre Mayer

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