Novelty Automation

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The new London arcade of home-made coin operated machines built by enthusiasts – opens February 11th 2015 (twinned with ‘The Under The Pier Show‘ seaside arcade in Southwold, Suffolk)

Tim Hunkin’s new arcade of slot machines, including some old favourites from CMT’s Covent Garden days -The Frisker, Test Your Nerve and The Chiropodist.
Novelty Automation is a mix of humour and engineering. It’s a new home for Tim Hunkin’s arcade machines, with some guest machines made by kindred spirits.

1a Princeton St, London WC1R 4AX

Opening hours – (from Wednesday Feb 11th):
Wednesday 11am – 6pm
Thursday 11am – 7pm
Friday 11am – 6pm
Saturday 11am – 6pm

See more information on the Novelty Automation Website

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  1. This is a great idea…..” Home-made penny arcade machines! ” I think this would be a fun and intesting project for the antique arcade machine collectors and enthusiast. Building and create new and intesting coin operated machines. I can just imagine a presentation of entries, and even a contest of builders at the semi-annual Chicapland Coin-op Show… I expect that their may be some operators,and even collectors, that would buy them. Let me know your thoughts ?

  2. I’m a Yank. On my first visit to England, except for a familiarity with the local language, I was totally ignorant about everything. In Covent Garden I saw Cabaret Mechanical Theatre shrieking “Tourist Trap,” and instantly went in. “Well I never seen anything like it / never seen anything like it / never seen anything like it in my life.” (Dr. Dolittle, on the Pushmipulya.) I’ve worshipped Hulkin ever since. The Artistry is Rembrandt class, but clearly he chooses to make Art that screams never to be imprisoned in museums, but to eminate the spirit of the penny arcade (Hulkin’s first teenage job, I think in Brighton). My favorite is “Anubis in Montmartre.”

    • Hi Bob
      Thanks for your message – Covent Garden was so long ago wasn’t it.

      We are compelled to correct your spelling of Hunkin, although I’m sure Tim would enjoy the mistake! Also, all the pieces featuring Anubis are by Paul Spooner, not Tim Hunkin.

      Team CMT

  3. We used to take the children to the Covent Garden one whenever we were in glad you have a new home

    • Thank you! Just for clarity, although some of our old Covent Garden machines are at Novelty Automation, this is (our good friend) Tim Hunkin’s “home”, not CMT’s.

Our mission is to promote engineering and creativity through workshops, exhibitions and automata kits.

As a Community Interest Company all profits go toward this valuable work.

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre Learning CIC
Company Number: 14598590
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