Kinetica Museum Opens in London

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Kinetica MuseumKinetica, a brand new museum devoted to Kinetic art will open in a fantastic new two storey building in London’s Spitalfields Market in early October 2006.

The first museum of it’s kind in the UK, Kinetica, is the vision of it’s artistic director, Dianne Harris. Dianne’s success with the Luminaries, (a series of three exhibitions in 2002) inspired her to pursue the idea of a permanent venue for this type of art.

As she says, ‘This ‘wave’ in reference to the metaphor of our ‘great’ machine ‘the Universe’, has inspired generations of artists to explore scientific discoveries and challenge technological life’.

Kinetica will showcase the most cutting-edge U.K and international contemporary New Media art alongside pioneering works from the recent past, with a revolving permanent collection and at least six temporary exhibitions each year, as well as seminars, workshops, discussions and special events.

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  1. Please let me have dates of October automata exhibition in London

  2. The opening date for Kinetica is 6th October 2006. The first exhibition will feature The Amorphic Robots.

Our mission is to promote engineering and creativity through workshops, exhibitions and automata kits.

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