The first evening gives us a chance to look back 21 years to the very first CMT News from February 1988. This was the point when we began offering a mail order service for automata. Click to view it.
We opened Cabaret Mechanical Theatre in Covent Garden in 1984, and for the first three years it was only possible to buy the automata by visiting us in London. In the early days we didn’t even have a credit card machine, (one amused customer suggested that we might accept wooden credit cards).
We now have a new edition from the 14 Balls Toy Company of the original Goat featured on that newsletter.
‘Goats and Stress’
As everyone who has owned a goat will tell you they can be notoriously grumpy which in time can lead to stress and depression.
It is possible to employ a ‘Goat Counsellor’ to remedy the situation.
Alternatively this simple bucket device will do the job just as well!
Goats have featured in Paul Spooners designs since the early days. Have a look at the gallery below to see some examples.
So until tomorrow.