Cera Cera have been producing fantastic downloadable automata kits for many years. These make brilliant gifts at 3.90USD per download.
You just need to download and print them out onto white card, and you have the perfect gift without leaving the house.
There are 16 different designs to choose from.
Click here http://www.ceracera.com/e-shop.html
Two of our favourites are:-
Wusong and TigerWusong, an ancient legendary chinese Hero, was drunk and faced with a fierce tiger late at night in the mountain. To defend himself, Wusong jumped on top of the tiger and fought with his bare fist and managed to survive the tiger attack..
Happy Tune. This is one of the new Happy Automata series model – Happy Tune. The cute little girl claps her hands together and nods her head while singing happily.
Turn the hand, follow the girl and clap your hands….sing a song (when was the last time you sang?)
If you happy and you clap your hand…… If you happy and you nod your head….. and you will be HAPPY!
Darryl Thomas says:
Hi, my name is Darryl Thomas and I’m currently doing a 3d automata creation for my final project in university. I’m interested in using a clapping monkey with cymbals as one of the movements and am asking if it is possible to have a copy of the “Happy Tune” example so I can use it as an example in my work. I’m not looking to copy the design I am purely interested in the mechanism. I would be very grateful if you could reply back with any advice or examples which I may use.
Darryl Thomas
admin says:
Hi Darryl, the Happy Tune automata was designed by the Singapore paper automata company ‘Cera Cera’. Unfortunately their website no longer seems to be online so I’m not sure how you could get a copy of it now. Sorry not to be of more help.