April 6th to May 5th 2007 – Kinetica, Old Spitalfields Market, London E1 6AA. This fascinating new exhibition will trace the story of Cabaret Mechanical Theatre from its birth in 1979 as ‘Cabaret’ – a crafts shop in Falmouth, Cornwall. Featuring over 80 pieces of automata from the past 28 years, as well as some new commissions.
The upper floor of Kinetica will be devoted to The Ride of Life, a major CMT project from 1989. Although most of the 25 life size automated scenes were completed by the artists, the Ride was never installed at its intended destination – Meadowhall Shopping Centre, in Sheffield.
This exhibition tells the story of the Ride, and will display the one remaining complete scene; Ron Fuller’s Adam and Eve Pubic Bar, alongside parts from other scenes including Tim Hunkin’s ‘Living Room’ – where the Ride was to have started off with visitors seated on their travelling sofas, and Paul Spooner’s ‘Main Street UK’. Talks and Screenings to be announced.
Jim says:
Hi. I remember the (Ch 4?) documentary on The Ride Of Life well. Luckily I taped it at the time, but less luckily it has long since vanished into the ether. Do you know if there’s any way to see it now? Thanks. Jim