Cabaret Mechanical Theatre @ Space Station Sixty-Five – Part 2
27th September 2012 to January 6th 2013
Open Thursday to Sunday 11 am to 6 pm
(Closed – Mon, Tues, Wed.)
Space Station Sixty-Five (East Dulwich)
65 North Cross Road
SE22 9ET
Free Exhibition (apart from 4 coin-operated machines)
We are continuing as guest exhibitors for Space Station Sixty-Five at their East Dulwich space. There are plenty of new exhibits, including Paul Spooner’s Manet’s Olympia and his elaborate The Frog Prince. Come along and press the buttons and enjoy bringing the machines to life.
T.R.Hart says:
I always enjoy the new ideas and creations from the artists at CMT. You all are an inspiration to artists and those who enjoy Fine Art.
Dave Hall says:
Are you likely to re-run this exhibition? I’m unable to get down to London in time to see it!
John Walmsley says:
I always look forward to your email,fine art by fine artists.